Rotary has wealth of resources On-line, which any member of a Rotary Club can have access. The On-line resources provide opportunities to Rotarians to enhance Rotary knowledge and use it to make their Clubs and Districts effective and vibrant. In the context of RI going paperless, it is imperative for an active Rotarian and Clubs to nave access to On-line Resources of Rotary.
On-line Resources in Rotary in very vast and may take years read and master over it. However, once access is established one can surf and find required information. A glimpse of online Resources have been presented here for easy reference to Rotarians:
The website of Rotary International is
There is certain information one can have access to it including by a non-Rotarian without registering and only Rotarians can have access after registering as member of a Club in My Rotary to enjoy access to other wealth of information.
Click here to be followed to get registered in My Rotary and get access to “Rotary Club Central”:
As soon as the page opens on the top, one can see (a) Get involved (b) About Rotary (c) News and Features (d) My Rotary (e) Club Finder (t) Location language (g) give and (h) join
Clicking on each of the above icons, one can find detailed information about each topic. For example, if one clicks on get involved, one can find information on (a) how to join leaders (b) how to exchange ideas and (c) how to take actions. However, to start with, it is recommended to click on My Rotary.
Under My Rotary, one can find topics like (a) Exchange ideas (b) take action (c) Learning and reference (d) manage (e) The Rotary Foundation and member news. As explained earlier, clicking on each of the topics, one can find detailed information about the topic.
To start With, it 1s recommended to surf on Learning and Reference and the Rotary Foundation followed by others at one’s own convenience. The learning reference provides wealth of information to learn about Rotary and The Rotary Foundation provides Wealth of information on the other arm of RI with its own legal identity.
Clicking Learning Reference, we can find seven important information such as
- About Rotary: Include information on structure, priorities, leadership, partners, history, financials and official directory
- Policy and Procedures: Include governance documents and Council on Legislation (COL)
- Learning by Role: Includes topics to learn as new member of the Club, Trainer and club Officials and District Officials
- Learning by Topics: Includes leaning on membership, fund raising, projects, grants, starting a Club, awards, public relations, Rotaract and Interacts etc.
- earning Center. Offers wide range useful courses that help to enhance Rotary knowledge, which can take at one’s convenience and
- Webinars in which one can participate On-line discussion on wide range of Rotary Themes.
Once the page on Learning Reference 1s opened, on the right hand side, a question what do you want to do appears: in which one can view and update profile, change password, download logos, make donations, view giving history, registration to attend convention, access Rotary OffiC1al Directory, take an Online course, read news about Rotary, find a document, update Club data, view or pay Club invoice, run reports, view or set Club goals, apply for or manage grant, browse projects on Rotary show case, join a discussion group and learn how to use Rotary Website.
Rotary Foundation:
- Once one clicks on Rotary Foundation, information on Grants 1.e. District Grants and Global Grants can be found.
- The others set of information include (a) Grant Application Tools (b) Qualifications (c) Grant activities (d) Grant travel request (e) Foundation funding model presentations (1) Rotary Peace Fellowships (g) Board of Trustees (h) History of Rotary Foundation () Giving and many more. For detailed information on these topics click the topics icon
Note: The above suggestion to have access to On-line resources will work as an entry point to surf Rotary Website and take anyone to the journey of Rotary as long as one could afford or wish.