Rotary Clubs have to be vibrant for any District to be vibrant and establish its image in the Rotary world. And for that, the clubs has to be motivated and encouraged to achieve recognition. One of the ways to motivate clubs is to recognize their contributions and efforts. Therefore District Governor (DG) of RID 3292 for the Rotary Year 2023/24 is initiating to recognize clubs by introducing simple criteria for achieving the Governor’s citation. The Governor’s citation will be awarded to clubs who achieve simple goals set in the areas of (a) Club administration (b) Membership retention and growth (c) Service project (d) The Rotary Foundation and (e) Public image.
The mandatory activities to receive Governor’s Citation and goals to be achieved in the five standing committees are as follows:
Mandatory Activities
- Pay RI dues on time i.e. by July 2023 and by January 2024
- Pay District and Magazine dues on time by September 2023
- Duly Registered with District Administration Office
Club Administration: Achieve following goals
- Update or develop club’s 3 or 5 yearly strategic plan.
- Maintain at least 80% attendance in RWM including make ups
- Conduct Classification talk by at least 3 members in the RWM
- At least 12 National or International Guest speakers during RWM
- 20 % of the members participate in at least major events of district (Governor’s Installation, District Conference and TRF recognition event and other major district events
- Participation of club as host club in at least 5 district events
- Organize and record six Club Assemblies and 12 board meetings
- Conduct at least two meetings of each standing committees
- At least one member from club participate in all regional events
- Sponsor at least one Rotaract club or one Interact club or one RCC (if not done earlier)
- At least 2 club members participate in, a polio-related fundraising or awareness event.
- Minimum 80% registration of club members in My Rotary
Membership retention and growth: Achieve following goals
- Conduct classification survey/membership satisfaction survey
- Retain 98% of the members
- Achieve a net gain in diversified membership of 10% (at least 20% female)
- Assign one or more mentors for new and potential members including preparing TOR for the mentor
- Let all the new members participate in new member orientation programme
- Organise Rotarian non Rotarians interaction exclusively organised by the club or jointly with other clubs
- Encourage Alumni members to rejoin the club.
- There will be recognition to the sponsor members
Service project: Achieve following goals
- At least one GG project applied and approved in the Rotary Year 2023/24 or at least one District Grant applied, approved and completed in the Rotary Year 2023/24
- Establish or operate at least one vocational award at Club level
- Recognize at least two persons (one male and one female) of the community for their outstanding contributions in the community
- At least 50% members and 25% of the spouses are involved in club’s humanitarian activities
- Involve Rotaracts, Interacts, Rotary Community Corps (RCC) members, in club projects and events.
The Rotary Foundation: Achieve following goals
- Contribute at least 25 US$ per capita to the Rotary Foundation for recognition of 100% contributory club
- Co-host or participate in the events on TRF organised by the District
- At least one member participate in the Grant Management Seminar organised by the District
- Increase contribution to TRF by at least 10 percent over the contribution made in RY 2022/23.
- Add at least two PHF this year 2023-24.
Public image: Achieve following goals
- Organise at least one media tour to show humanitarian services activities in the field
- Produce and distribute promotional materials of Rotary to non Rotarians (individual and organizations)
- Post at least one Rotary Signage in the community
- Mobilize at least one print and electronic media each
- Have local media cover a club project or an event
- Encourage members to spread Rotary Knowledge and information to Non Rotarians
- Share bulletin and club news among the members and district office
- Publish club service projects information in Governor’s Monthly Letter (GML)
The citation:
- Each club that achieves the above set goals will receive citation certificates from the District Governor