As amended on May 28, 2021 at District Training Assembly
These bylaws are being established by Rotary Clubs of Rotary International District 3292 to provide recommendations, guidelines and rules to strengthen the functioning of the District, and the District Governor but nothing in these bylaws shall be contrary to any recommendations, policy, defi nition or guidelines issued by the Board of Directors of Rotary International, or to the constitution and bylaws of Rotary International as amended from time to time. These Bylaws will not impair or impede the role of the District Governor in performance of his/her responsibilities as provided in the constitution and guidelines of Rotary International.
Article 1 Short Title and Commencement
1.010. Title
These bylaws may be called “Bylaws of Rotary International District 3292”
1.020. Commencement
It shall come into force on the date of the approval by the District Conference or the District Training Assembly.
Article 2 Offi cers of the District
The offi cers of the district shall include the following:
2.010. District Governor
Nominated by the District as herein provided, and elected at the Rotary International Convention, he/she shall perform all duties and responsibilities as laid down in the Bylaws of Rotary International, and as delegated to him from time to time by the District Conference / District Training Assembly.
2.020. District Governor Elect/Nominee
Nominated by the District as herein provided, he/she shall be ex-offi cio member of all the committees of the District, and shall be responsible for duties as may be delegated to him/her by the District Governor/District Conference/District Training Assembly.
2.030. District Secretary
a) Appointed by the District Governor Elect to serve during his/her term of offi ce as District Governor, the District Secretary must be a past president of a Rotary Club, and shall be responsible for maintaining the district records, the preparation and circulation of the minutes of Council of Governors, other meetings including the District Conference/District Training Assembly and as directed by the District Governor.
b) The records maintained by him/her shall include:
i) Localities of clubs
ii) Bylaws as adopted by clubs
iii) Resolutions adopted at the District Conference
iv) Copies of the semi annual & annual reports of the District Governor
v) District Governor’s Monthly Letters.
c) He/she shall pass on all the records to the succeeding District Governor within 15 days of the completion of offi ce, that is, before July 15.
d) The District Secretary shall not be eligible for selection as “Vocational Training Team Leader” during his/her year of appointment as District Secretary.
2.040. District Treasurer
Appointed by the District Governor Elect, the District Treasurer shall be a Rotarian, must be a Past President and with the fi nancial background, who is well versed in maintaining accounts. He/she shall be responsible for collection of District Dues, and for making payments authorized by the District Governor. District Governor should inform the Council of Governors of the appointment.
2.050. Council of Governors
a) The District Governor, District Governor Elect, District Governor Nominee, District Governor Nominee Designate and Past District Governors of Rotary International who are members of Rotary Clubs in the District shall constitute the Council of Governors, with the District Governor as Chairperson.
b) The Council of Governors shall meet every quarter at a time and place fi xed by the District Governor, who shall circulate the agenda well before the meeting.The authority of the Governor shall in no way be impaired or impeded by the advice or actions of the Past District Governors.
c) The District Budget, accounts and all other matters which need the approval of the District shall fi rst be circulated to the Council of Governors for suitable recommendations/ suggestions to the District Governor.
2.060. Assistant Governor
a) It is the prerogative of the District Governor to appoint/remove/change Assistant Governor(s). The Assistant Governor shall maintain close rapport with District Governor, Chairpersons and key persons of various committees.
b) To be eligible for appointment as Assistant Governor (AG) in any of the Zones, a Rotarian must fulfi ll the following requirements at the beginning of his/her term as AG:
i) He/she has been a Rotarian in good standing in Clubs for at least three years.
ii) He/she has served as President in a Rotary Club for a complete term or as a Charter President for at least six months.
iii) He/she is not a Past District Governor, District Governor Elect or District Governor Nominee.
iv) He/she has served on the District Committees /Subcommittees for at least one full term.
v) He/she has demonstrated outstanding performance at the District level.
vi) He/she has the willingness and ability to accept the responsibilities of Assistant Governor.
vii) He/she has the potential for future leadership in the District.
c) Role of Assistant Governor
The following are some of the responsibilities which Assistant Governor is supposed to
shoulder in addition to the special conditions provided in these bylaws:
i) To attend the Assistant Governor’s training seminar of the district.
ii) To attend the Presidents-Elect Training Seminar and the District Training Assembly.
iii) Should complete Assistant Governors Training Course in the Learning Centre of My Rotary
iv) To work with the Governor to develop goals for the district.
v) To meet with and assist the incoming presidents of the clubs in their assigned area before beginning of the Rotary year to discuss the club goals and to review the Summary of Club Plans and Objectives.
vi) To visit each club in his/her assigned area regularly with a minimum of one visit each quarter of the Rotary year.
vii) To conduct the club assembly associated with District Governor’s offi cial visit.
viii) To hold regularly scheduled meetings (preferably monthly and no less than quarterly) with club presidents and secretaries to discuss the business of the clubs and resources available to them, along with goals, programmes, and objectives of the district and R.I.
ix) To schedule and plan for the visit of the governor to the area, the purpose of which should be to enhance Rotary’s object.
x) To keep the Governor posted on progress within the assigned clubs and suggest ways to enhance Rotary’s image in the respective communities.
xi) To encourage clubs to follow through on requests and recommendations of the Governor.
xii) To attend and actively promote attendance at the district Conference and other district meetings.
xiii) To monitor each club’s performance with respect to service projects.
d) Additional conditions for Assistant Governors
i) Assistant Governors may be appointed on an annual basis for a one year term, subject to reappointment for total of three one-year terms.
ii) At the time of taking the assignment at least 1 year must have lapsed after becoming a President for the full term of the club.
iii) The District Governor/Incoming Governor shall not appoint any person as Assistant Governor who was a member of the nominating committee that selected the said District Governor/Incoming Governor.
iv) The Assistant Governor shall not be eligible for selection as the Leader of the Vocational Training Team during his/her year of appointment as Assistant Governor.
v) The Assistant Governor will be assigned between 4 clubs and 8 clubs.
Article 3 District Leadership Plan
The District Governor shall administer the district by grouping the Clubs in the district into zones so that each of the zones has as far as possible equal numbers of clubs as on July 1 and the Clubs in a zone form a geographically contiguous area.
Article 4 District Committees/Appointments
4.010. District Committees are charged with carrying out the goals of the district as formulated by the Governor with the advice of the Assistant Governors. Governor Elect, Governor and Immediate Past District Governor should work together to ensure continuity of leadership and succession planning. The Governor Elect is responsible for appointing Committee members to fi ll vacancy, appointing Committee Chairs and conducting planning meetings prior to the start up the year in offi ce. The following district committees shall be appointed:
• Finance
• Membership
• Public Image
• Rotary Foundation
• Training
The following district committees may be formed
• Alumni
• Community Service
• Convention Promotion
• District Conference
• Interact
• International Service
• New Generations Service Exchange
• Rotaract
• Rotary Friendship Exchange
• Youth Exchange
Additional district committees are formed/ appointed when they serve a specifi c function as identifi ed by the Governor and the District leadership Team.
4.020. The purpose of the Committees and roles and responsibilities thereof will be in accordance with the Rotary Code of Policies.
4.030. The Governor Elect may appoint additional District committee(s) other than mentioned in article 4.010. and same should be shared in future COG meeting/s.
4.040. It is recommended the committee shall be constituted of three, six or nine members. Committees so appointed will be for three years term, one third of the committee members will be replaced by new members every year in staggering basis. One third of the members will be appointed for one year, other one third for two years and rest one third for three years.
Thereafter the District Governor Elect shall appoint one third of the members for three years to fi ll in the vacancy created by the outgoing members.
4.050. From amongst the members as described in section 4.040. District Governor Elect shall appoint a Chairperson of the committee for his/her year of service.
4.060. Every year the committees should be appointed by 30th April. The committees shall submit their plans of action to the District Governor Elect 15 days before the District Training Assembly where s/he shall unfold the plans for his/her year.
4.070. The District Rotaract Representative (DRR) shall be a member of the District Rotaract Sub-committee during the tenure of offi ce. The District Rotaract Sub-committee shall be represented by equal number of Rotarians and Rotaractors, the DRR as its Co-chair.
4.080. The Governor Elect shall not appoint a person in any of the District positions who has given a serious consideration to submitting his/her name as a candidate for District Governor Nominee (DGN) in his/her year as Governor or the Governor shall immediately terminate from his/her position once he/she becomes a candidate for DGN.
4.090. A Rotarian who has not served as a President of the club for a full term shall not be eligible for appointment in any of the District Committee Chair positions.
Article 5 Rotaract
5.010. Rotaract is an important part of Rotary activities and the District Rotaract Committee shall guide and coordinate all Rotaract activities as per policy of Rotary International.
5.020. The District Rotaract Representative (DRR) shall be selected as per guidelines issued by Rotary International from time to time, and will be a Co-chair of the District Rotaract Committee.
5.030. Rotary Clubs are encouraged to help Rotaract activities, but are not obliged to provide funds for their projects. Rotaract Clubs should not solicit funds from Rotary Clubs or Rotaract Clubs without the permission of the Rotary Club president at local level, and without the permission of the District Governor at the district level.
5.040. Past, present and incoming R. I. Officers are encouraged to participate at District and Multiple District Functions, provided these meetings have the written approval of the District Rotaract Committee and the District Governor.
5.050. The DRR should be directly responsive and accountable to the District Rotaract Subcommittee.
5.060. The District shall waive District Dues for the fi rst two years for any Rotaractors joining a Rotary Club. Gap shall not be of more than one Rotary Year after leaving Rotaract.
Article 6 International Aid Projects
6.010. Clubs in the district are encouraged to participate in The Rotary Foundation activities and Community Service projects.
6.020. Whenever a Rotary Club receives any aid in kind or funds for a particular project, from a club outside Nepal, or from Rotary International/The Rotary Foundation, the Secretary of the club is encouraged to immediately acknowledge the aid to the benefactors with copies to the District Governor, District Governor Elect, District Governor Nominee, and the Chairperson of the concerned district committee.
Article 7 District Meetings
The District Governor shall preside at all district meetings including Intercity Meetings, District Seminars and the District Conference, and conduct them to promote the programs of Rotary.
Article 8 Protocol at District Meetings
8.010. The order of precedence will be as approved by Rotary International and described in the Rotary Code of Policies.
Article 9 Rotary International Letterhead
Except for the current, past and incoming offi cers of Rotary International, or those Rotarians who have been appointed by the R. I. President or the R. I. Board to serve Rotary International, no Rotarian even though serving as a club offi cer, or a District Committee Chairman shall use the Rotary International letterhead. The District Chairperson however can use District letterhead with Rotary emblem while communicating with Rotarians.
Article 10 District Fund
10.010. District Fund shall be established to be used for purpose hereinafter mentioned, and administered as per provisions contained herein. The District Fund shall be used for the following purposes:
a) To meet the cost of the Vocational Training Team programme in the district to the extent as provided in the District Budget after considering the subsidy amount to be received from The Rotary Foundation.
b) To contribute towards the Presidents-elect and Secretaries-elect Training Seminar, the District Training Assembly and the District Conference to the extent provided in the District Budget.
10.020. Administration of the District Fund
a) To have an oversight of the District Fund the District Finance Committee will be constituted by the District Governor consisting of three Past District Governors who are members of clubs in the district.
b) Initially one Past District Governor was appointed for one year, another for two years, and the third for three years. The District Governor in offi ce shall appoint one Past District Governor for three years to fi ll in the vacancy created by the outgoing Past District Governor.
c) In the event of a vacancy for any cause whatsoever the District Governor shall appoint another Past District Governor to fi ll the vacancy for the remaining period of the outgoing Past District Governor’s term.
d) The Past District Governor serving in third year as member shall be the chairperson of the Finance Committee. Outgoing members of the District Finance Committees shall not be re-appointed into the committee before two years after their retirement.
e) The District Treasurer shall be responsible for the day to day operation of the accounts. He/she shall maintain books and records of the District Fund. He/she shall present the status of expenses for each item as compared to the budgeted amounts refl ecting variances, if any, at each meeting of the District Finance Committee.
f) The incoming District Governor shall prepare an estimate of the income for District Fund based on per capita District dues and the proposed expenses against it in the form of a District Budget which shall be mailed to all incoming club presidents at least four weeks before the District Training Assembly so that the clubs may discuss the same before formal presentation of the same at the District Training Assembly for approval or amendment. If agreed by 3/4 majority of incoming Presidents, the District Budget shall become eff ective from the following July 1.
g) In the event of the District Budget not getting the approval of three-fourth of the incoming club presidents, the District Budget shall be revised and have the Budget approved by a majority of clubs by June 30.
h) The District Finance Committee shall open or terminate accounts in banks. The authorized signatories for all such bank accounts shall be the District Treasurer along with the District Governor, or Disrict Secretary.
i) The District Treasurer shall make all payments as approved by the District Governor. However, if there is any variance between the expense and the budgeted amount, the same shall be immediately referred to the District Governor, who may at his/her discretion approve the variance up to 10%. Any variances above the limit of 10% shall be referred to the Presidents’ session of District Conference or District Training Assembly.
j) The Guidelines issued by previous District Finance Committee in consultation with the Council of Governors in the respective years shall be adopted by the District Finance Committee.
k) An auditor is appointed at the time of adoption of the District Budget at the District Training Assembly. The Governor will inform with the Council of Governors about appointment.
l) At the end of the Rotary year, the outgoing District Governor and the District Treasurer shall compile the accounts, and forward the same for review to the District Finance Committee latest by 10th August. The District Finance Committee should review and pass them on to the auditors. The audited accounts should reach the District Finance Committee by 10th September. Within two weeks the District Finance Committee shall return the same to District Governor along with their report. The District Governor shall send a copy of the same along with the report of the District Finance Committee to every club in the district latest by September 30. These accounts shall be presented, discussed if necessary, and formally adopted at the District Conference.
m) In the event of the District Governor not submitting any accounts to the District Finance Committee by 10th September, the chairperson of the District Finance Committee shall circulate this information to all the clubs in the district. Also if the District Finance Committee fails to review and return the audited accounts within two
weeks, the District Governor can circulate them to the district without the report of the District Finance Committee.
10.030. District Dues
a) Every club in the district shall contribute per capita District Dues, which also include magazine subscription and any other charge levied by the district, for every member at a rate as approved by the Presidents’ session of District Training Assembly.
b) The District Dues will be payable by the clubs in one installment on July 1 on the basis of the club membership as on that day.
c) The District Governor shall collect the dues through District Treasurer, and shall be the custodian of the District Fund.
d) In the event of a club failing to pay the District Dues by September 30, the District Governor shall issue a reminder letter by October 15 to such club to pay the dues latest by October 31. If the dues still remain unpaid by October 31, the Governor shall recommend to Rotary International for suspension of services to the club as per RI bylaws.
e) In case of new clubs; clubs admitted to RI within fi rst semi annual period shall pay the full per capita due for each of its members and clubs admitted in the second semi annual period shall pay only half of the per capita due for each of its members. Similarly, the same rule shall apply for new members of the existing clubs.
10.040. Collection of Funds at District and club level
a) Clubs are advised to take permission in writing from the District Governor before soliciting funds from other clubs, or from Rotarians who are members in other clubs.
b) In granting such permission, the District Governor must ensure that the funds are for the cause of Rotary at the district level even when it is by way of sponsorships, and intended to be utilized for publication of directories, souvenirs, or for similar purposes.
c) All clubs making such collections shall maintain a separate account of the amounts collected, and how the same are utilized, and periodically furnish the details to the District Governor and the District Finance Committee.
d) Whenever such permission is given, the District Governor shall be liable to collect the details of collections and the utilization of funds within a reasonable time, and pass on the same to the District Finance Committee.
e) In the event of the District Finance Committee not being satisfi ed for any cause whatsoever, it is free to make suitable recommendations to the District Governor.
10.050. Collection of funds by District Governor or District Governor Elect/District Governor Nominee
Any Funds, other than those, which are a part of the District Fund, which are collected by the District Governor or District Governor-Elect/District Governor Nominee for any Rotary cause whatsoever, shall be duly accounted for, and details provided to the District Finance Committee, and duly included in the District Fund account.
10.060. Failure to submit district accounts In the event of the District Governor failing to submit the accounts before the District Finance Committee in time, or in not getting the same audited within time, the District Finance
Committee shall inform COG and in such extraordinary circumstances COG can recommend to the Rotary International Board for appropriate action against him/her.
Article 11 District Nominating Committee
11.010. Terms of Reference
The District Nominating Committee shall be responsible to seek out and propose the best available candidate who is willing to serve as District Governor. The committee shall function as described hereinafter, but nothing may be deemed to mean contrary to what is prescribed by Rotary International in its constitution and bylaws.
11.020. Composition
a) The Nominating Committee shall be constituted each year at the District Conference and shall have nine members be selected by the Rotary Clubs in the District by draw of lots, one from each of the nine zones as hereinafter provided. The members present shall elect from amongst themselves a Chairperson to preside at the meeting.
b) The Nominating Committee so constituted shall serve during the Rotary year of its constitution, and its term of offi ce shall cease when the committee members elect the DGN, sign and submit their report through the Chairperson to the District Governor.
c) The clubs in the District shall be divided into nine groups so that each of the groups will have reasonably equal membership of Rotarians and to the extent possible equal number of clubs, based on the membership of the clubs as on July 1, and the clubs in a group form a geographically contiguous area. The grouping of the clubs done in consultation with the Council of Governors will be announced by the District Governor latest by August 31 each year.
d) The grouping once decided shall remain unchanged for minimum three years except that new clubs shall be included in groups taking into consideration membership strength and contiguity. Grouping as per these bylaws will be eff ective beginning with the election of DGN to serve as District Governor for the year 2021-2022.
e) If the member or alternate member from any club whose name has been forwarded to the DG for membership in the Nominating Committee absents him/herself without any valid reason at the time of the draw of lots, those members shall not be eligible to participate in the electoral process for Nominating Committee membership in the subsequent two years.
11.030. Qualifications
a) To be eligible for selection to the membership of the Nominating Committee in any of the groups mentioned in Article 11.020. above a Rotarian must fulfi ll the following requirements:
i) He/She has been a Rotarian in good standing in clubs within the district for at least five years as on July 1 of the Rotary year in which he off ers himself as candidate.
ii) He/She has served as president of a Rotary Club in the district for a complete Term, or as charter president of a club having served the full term from the date of charter to June 30, provided that the period is at least six months.
iii) He/She is not the District Governor, District Governor-elect , District Governor Nominee or District Governor Designate.
iv) He/She has attended at least two District Conferences in the past four years.
v) He/She has served at least for a year in the District in any capacity in a District Committee.
vi) A certifi cate from the Club President for fulfi lling the above qualifi cations shall be sent along with the recommendations from the club.
viii)A letter of consent from the candidate duly signed by him/her shall be sent along with the recommendations from the club.
b) All valid candidates as per Article 11.040. c) for Nominating Committee members should mandatorily participate in an orientation program organized by the Credentials Committee. Candidates failing to participate in the orientation for full duration for a reason whatsoever will not be eligible to take part in draw of lots.
c) Any candidate for membership of the Committee whether selected, or not, or one who is selected and subsequently resigns from the Committee, shall not be eligible to be nominated as Governor-nominee in the year the Committee serves.
d) A Rotarian who has previously served as a member of the Nominating Committee shall not be eligible for re-selection to the Committee until two years have passed since he served on the Committee. Similarly, no club can have its member on the Committee for two consecutive years.
e) Only those clubs, which have paid their Rotary International per capita dues, District dues and Rotary Magazine subscription up to the year immediately preceeding the Rotary year in which the nomination is made shall be eligible to propose a candidate for membership of the committee.
f) The District Governor shall ensure that the qualifi cations laid down are strictly adhered to.
11.040. Selection of Member of Nominating Committee
a) The District Governor shall oversee the selection of the members of the Nominating Committee for each of the nine groups at the District Conference by draw of lots. In the event of there being no District Conference for any reason whatsoever, the election shall be by ballot by mail as provided in the bylaws of Rotary International.
b) The clubs in the District shall be invited by the District Governor latest by November 1 or 90 days prior to the District Conference whichever is earlier to submit the name of one proposed candidate from their club for membership of the Nominating Committee in their group provided that there shall be minimum 30 days between the date of such invitation and last date for receipt of such proposal.
c) The proposal for membership of the Nominating Committee shall be submitted to the District Governor to reach at least 60 days before the start of conference in the form of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the club, held after the invitation for the nomination proposals under Article 11.040.b) by the District Governor, naming the proposed candidate and duly certifi ed by the club President and Secretary, enclosing along with a copy of the bio-data of the candidate and his consent in writing. After the scrutiny of the proposals by the Credentials Committee, the District Governor shall inform the concerned clubs about the validity of the proposals at least 45 days before the start of the conference.
d) The District Governor shall arrange to place the names of eligible candidates in each of the nine groups in a box and draw a lot from each group in the presence of all the candidates on the second day of the Conference.
e) In the event of there being only one candidate in a group he/she shall be declared as the member of the nominating committee from that group.
f) The Credentials Committee shall be responsible for making physical arrangements for the draw and its orderly conduct.
g) In the event of a vacancy in the nominating committee through any cause whatsoever and the fi lling in is not provided for in these guidelines the District Governor shall select from within the group a Rotarian who fulfi ls the qualifi cations as prescribed in these bylaws to fill the vacancy in the committee for the unexpired term.
11.050. Functioning of the Nominating Committee
a) Seven members of the Nominating Committee shall constitute a quorum.
b) For voting purpose, the Nominating Committee Chair provides ballots to each member of the Nominating Committee with their names on it and they must cast their vote and shall not abstain. A member not casting a vote will not be eligible to be a candidate of a Nominating Committee for next five years. Also the club which has proposed such candidate will also be barred from proposing a candidate of Nominating Committee Member for next three years.
c) No candidate proposed by a club shall be selected and recommended as District Governor Nominee unless s/he secures 6 votes if 9 members are present, 5 votes if 8 or 7 members are present. In the event of the Nominating Committee failing to come to such a conclusion, all the candidates will be proposed for an election as provided RI Bylaws and/ or guidelines provided by RI from time to time.
d) The Nominating Committee shall not infl uence, recommend, or commit the succeeding Committee by minuting, or otherwise by recording any impression for the future about any candidate other than the one selected by it.
e) All Nominating Committee Members after being declared elected, will contact the Chairperson of the Credentials Committee immediately who shall specify the time and place of the meeting to be conducted on the same day of the Nominating Committee is constituted and announced. Since Chairperson of the Credentials Committee shall always be known in advance, he will take necessary steps to get the meeting organized as per
District guidelines.
f) Each members of the Nominating Committee shall pledge himself/herself to keep the deliberations of the Committee, and the information supplied to him/her, strictly confidential.
11.060. Activities in Support of Candidate for District Governor
Activities in support of a candidate for District Governor should be consistent with the importance and functions of the District Governor. The content of literature supporting a candidate should be limited to photograph and a statement of his/her Rotary, civic and business or professional activity in the form prescribed by the District Governor, and no further steps should be taken to promote his/her candidature. No Rotarian or club shall canvass or campaign, or allow campaigning on his behalf to infl uence his/her selection, keeping in mind the provisions in the bylaws of Rotary International, and the guidelines issued by the RI Board.
11.070. Procedure for Proposal of District Governor Nominee
a) The District Governor shall issue, or cause to be issued, an announcement latest by November 30th inviting clubs to submit proposals for District Governor Nominee, so as to reach the District Governor latest by December 31st or 30 days before the scheduled date of the District Conference, whichever is earlier.
b) The proposal shall be submitted to the District Governor in the form of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the club naming the suggested candidate, and certifi ed by the club president and secretary, along with eleven copies of his/her bio-data in the form prescribed by the District Governor, and the written consent of the candidate.
c) The District Governor shall keep the copies of the bio-data of all the candidates for the District Governor Nominee ready for the members of the Nominating Committee to meet on the same day of its formation.
d) The Nominating Committee shall meet on 2nd day of the District Conference to consider the proposals before them and the Chairperson of the Committee shall convey the decision of the Committee to the District Governor within 24 hours of the adjournment of Nominating Committee.
e) In the event of extraordinary circumstances, the District Governor, in consultation with Council of Governors, can extend the date of the meeting of the nominating committee.
f) In making the selection, the Nominating Committee shall not limit its selection to the proposals submitted by the clubs, but may consider other Rotarians and shall nominate the best qualifi ed Rotarian to serve as District Governor as provided in RI bylaws. However, his/her consent shall be obtained prior to such nomination.
g) The business of the Committee shall be completed at one sitting only.
h) In the event of the Nominating Committee being unable to meet or declare a Nominee for the District Governor for any reason whatsoever, the names of all the candidates proposed for District Governor Nominee will be considered for ballot by mail or as per the guidelines of Rotary International.
i) The District Governor shall communicate in writing the decision of the Nominating Committee to all the clubs in the district within three days of receiving the same.
j) Notwithstanding the nomination made by the Nominating Committee, any club in the district may propose a candidate who has previously been considered by the Committee for District Governor Nominee by sending to the District Governor, within 10 days, a resolution adopted by the club at a regular meeting duly certifi ed by the Club President and Secretary, along with a written consent of the candidate.
k) In the event a challenge is proposed as specifi ed above in section (j), the District Governor shall inform all the clubs through a form prescribed by Rotary International of the name of the challenging candidate/s and inquire whether any club wishes to concur with the challenge. To do so the club shall within 15 days of the issue of the notice/letter send a resolution adopted by the club at a regular meeting, and certifi ed by the club president and secretary, confi rming concurrence of the challenge, to the District Governor. The resolution must be adopted at a regular meeting of the club for which notice of such a resolution has been given mentioning this as a special business of the meeting.
l) A challenge received as described above in section (k) shall be considered valid only if it is concurred with, by at least 20% of the clubs of the District other than the challenging club(s). However, no club can concur with more than one candidate.
m) If on the date so fi xed any challenging nomination has been received from the clubs by the District Governor, the District Governor shall notify all the clubs in the district of the names and qualifi cations of each such challenging candidate, and the candidate proposed by the Nominating Committee within 7 days following the deadline. Thereafter all the proposed candidates shall be balloted upon in a ballot-by-mail procedure.
n) If on the date so fi xed no valid challenge has been received by the District Governor, he/she shall declare the candidate proposed by the Nominating Committee to be District Governor Nominee and within 15 days thereafter notify all the clubs in the district.
o) If for any reason whatsoever no proposal or nomination continues to be eff ective at the time of the District Conference, then proposals for the offi ce of District Governor shall be made from the fl oor of the Conference by electors from clubs in the district.
p) In the event of the District Conference being held earlier, the District Governor shall have the authority to suitably modify, alter and change dates as herein specifi ed, and these will be announced at the beginning of the year.
11.080. Selection of District Governor Nominee
a) The members of the Nominating Committee shall carefully read and understand the duties and qualifi cations of the District Governor as given in Rotary International bylaws before selecting a candidate in the meeting of the committee.
b) A club which has a candidate for District Governor Nominee shall not be eligible to propose a candidate as a member of the Nominating Committee for District Governor.
c) No Candidate will be considered for selection as District Governor Nominee if he/she is related to any member/s of the Nominating Committee. The word “related” refers to son/daughter, father/mother, brother/sister, son-in-law and father-in-law.
d) At its meeting the Nominating Committee must keep in mind the following criteria to be able to select the best candidate:
i) Qualifications as described in the R.I. bylaws.
ii) Ability, physical and otherwise, to fulfi ll the duties and responsibilities of the District Governor.
iii) Rotary career and actual work done by the candidate at the club level.
iv) Rotary career and the actual work done by the candidate at the district level.
v) Candidate’s knowledge of Rotary.
vi) Candidate’s civic and vocational achievements.
e) In the event of death or inability of the District Governor Nominee to serve between time of certifi cation and the District Conference, the Nominating Committee shall nominate another Rotarian for election at the District Conference. The vacancy due to any other cause shall be fi lled as recommended in the bylaws of Rotary International.
Article 12 Procedure for Selection of Nominating Committee for District Representative
and Alternate Representative for Future Council on Legislation
All the members of Council of Governors shall constitute the Nominating Committee for District Representative and Alternate Representative for Council on Legislation in the future. The names shall be presented to the delegates for their approval at the appropriate District Conference.
Article 13 Grievance Committee
13.010. No person/club aggrieved by an action of the District Governor, or by that of individual or committee authorized by him/her to select the District Nominating Committee Members or the District Governor Nominee, shall seek relief in a court of law till such time as the Grievance Committee has considered the complaint and given its fi nding on it.
13.020. In the event of a complaint the aggrieved Rotarian/club shall immediately refer the complaint in writing to the District Governor, requesting that the complaint be corrected.
13.030. If the District Governor fails to satisfy the aggrieved Rotarian/club within 15 days of the complaint, the aggrieved Rotarian/club can ask the District Governor for appointment of Grievance Committee.
13.040. The Grievance Committee shall be constituted of three Past District Governors from within the district, one to be nominated by the aggrieved Rotarian/club, the other by the District Governor, and the third by the Council of Governors.
13.050. The aggrieved Rotarian/club shall submit four copies of the complaint, three for the committee, and one for the records. Similarly, the District Governor shall submit four copies of his views on the subject.
13.060. The Grievance Committee shall meet at the earliest within 21 days of the receipt of the request by the District Governor for appointment of such committee and if necessary invite the aggrieved party/District Governor to the meeting, give them due hearing, and give their decision.
13.070. The decision of the Grievance Committee shall be fi nal and binding on all concerned.
13.080. The term of the Grievance Committee shall end as soon as it submits its fi nal report.
13.090. In the event of Rotarian/club not adopting the procedure herein laid out, the person proposed for the elective position will be debarred from contesting the same for five years.
Article 14 District Disaster Relief Endowment Fund
A ‘District Disaster Relief Endowment Fund has been created to support the victims of natural disasters in local and international communities.
14.010. Each Rotary year a ‘Disaster Relief Committee’ will be constituted with the following Rotarians as its members:
1. District Governor – Chair
2. Immediate Past District Governor
3. District Governor Elect
4. District Governor Nominee
5. Rotarian nominated by District Governor – Member Secretary
14.020. Each year, District Governor shall segregate some amount from the surplus of district budget will be deposited to the Disaster Relief Fund.
14.030. Only interest generated through the endowment fund will be provided as grants to the disaster victims.
14.040. Decision of the Disaster Relief Committee for granting support will be final.
Article 15 Vocational Award Committee
Each year the district governor will constitute a ’Speical Award Committee’ to look after awarding ‘Rotary Award for Vocational Excellence’ and ‘Rotary Award for Good Governance’ and any other awards established by the district with fi nancial assistance from donors:
15.010. The committee will consist of the following district officials:
1. District Governor – Chair
2. Immediate Past District Governor
3. District Governor Elect
4. Three eminent persons from community nominated by Council of Governors
5. Representative(s) of the donor family
15.020. The ‘Award Committee’, for free and fair selection of the awardee(s), will form a ‘Selection Committee(s)’ in consultation with Council of Governors.
Article 16 Authorization to use District Designated Fund (DDF)
In order to make the use of DDF more transparent and eff ective, recommendation of the District Rotary Foundation Committee shall normally be solicited for use of the DDF will be necessary.
16.010. The District Rotary Foundation Committee (DRFC) is constituted of all chairpersons of sub-committees under District Rotary Foundation Committee as its members and District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair as its chair.
16.020. Presence of the district governor in all meetings of DRFC discussing on use of DDF will be mandatory.
Article 17 Sustainable Immunization Fund
A ‘Sustainable Immunization Fund’ has been created to support improve & sustain existing routine immunization performance and evidence based introduction of new vaccines.
17.010 Each year a ‘Sustainable Immunization Committee’ will be constituted with the following as its members:
1. District Governor – Chair
2. Immediate Past District Governor – Member
3. District Governor Elect – Member
4. District Governor Nominee – Member
5. Rotarian nominated by District Governor – Member Secretary
17.020 District Governor in consultation with Council of Governors may appoint up to two other members from community
17.030 Each year District Governor can segregate some amount from the surplus of District budget and will be deposited to the Sustainable Immunization Fund.
Article 18 Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission (RNLM) Fund
A ‘RNLM’ has been created under “Basic Education and Literay” Focus Area of Rotary to support achieve ‘Hundred Percent Literacy iand Quality Education in Nepal’ with the following as its members:
1. Past District Governor nominated by District Governor in consultation with Council of Governors – Chair
2. Past District Governors as nominated by the Chair in consultation with District Governors – Co-Chairs
3. Immediate Past District Governor – Member
4. District Governor Elect – Member
5. District Governor Nominee – Member
6. Rotarian nominated by Committee Chair – Member Secretary
Tenure of the Chair and Co-Chairs can be for a maximum period of three years with the concurrence of District Governor Elect and District Governor Nominee. District Governor shall be the permanent invitee.
18.010 A ‘‘Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission Steering Committee’ will be constituted with
following as its members:
1. A Past District Governor nominated by Council of Governors – Chair
2. Chairpersons of Working Committee(s) formed as mentioned in Article 18.020 Members
3. Rotarian appointed by the Chair – Member Secretary
18.020 The Chairperson of Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission Steering Committee shall form Working Committee(s) as required and appoint chairperson(s) and members of such Working Committee(s) in consultation with the Council of Governors.
18.030 Tenure of the Steering Committee will be as decided by the District Governor at the recommendation of Chairperson of Rotary Nepal Literacy Mission.
18.040 Each year, as recommended by the Council of Governors in consultation with the District Finance Committee a per capita amount per Rotarian in the District will be deposited to the RNLM.
Article 19 Procedure of Amendments
19.010. With the change in the Rotary International Constitution and Guidelines, these bylaws may be considered automatically amended to conform with them.
19.020. These bylaws may be amended at the District Conference by a majority of electors present and voting, or at a District Training Assembly by a majority of the Presidents-elect and Secretaries-elect present and voting, or in special circumstances when such amendments are submitted for approval by ballot by mail.
19.030. Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by a club in good standing by a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the club or by the Council of Governors, and shall be submitted in writing, certifi ed by the club secretary or the district secretary, so as to reach the District Governor forty fi ve days before the District Conference or District Training Assembly as required.
19.040. The District Governor shall mail such proposed amendments to the Secretary-elect and the President-elect of each club in the district, thirty days before the District Conference or the District Training Assembly as required.
19.050. In the event of an emergent need for making an amendment/s as shall be verifi ed by the Council of Governors, or by one-third of the electors present, the proposed amendment/s shall be circulated on the fi rst day of the District Conference.
19.060. Voting on the amendments shall be restricted to electors, or Presidents-elect or in case of ballot by mail, to the clubs.
Article 20 Miscellaneous
20.010. The Rotary Year of this district shall begin from fi rst of July and end in end of June.
20.020. Email address and/or postal address of a president of a club provided to the District in order to publish in the District directory will be considered the offi cial email ID and/or postal address of the president and any message/information sent by the District to the president in this address will be considered as offi cially delivered to him/her.
20.030. District conference/Training seminars/intercity meetings will be hosted either by the District or by one club assigned by the District Governor as the host club. The host club shall be responsible for keeping records of detailed accounts of income and expenditure and list of paid and invited participants and report the same to the District Governor within 15 days of closing of such events. Failing to submit the report the host club will be liable to be barred from becoming a host club for any district programs and participating in any RI or The Rotary
Foundation programs until the requirement has been complied.
20.040. Interpretation of bylaws
District Governor/Council of Governors shall be the fi nal authority to interpret these bylaws.
20.050. Right to frame Term of Reference and Directives According to these bylaws, District Governor/Council of Governors may frame and execute Term of Reference and directives for the fulfi llment of the objectives of these bylaws.
20.060. Use of Surplus Fund
In case of earlier year/s’ surplus in the district’s account, it will be deposited in a special bank account and District Governor may use the fund for district programs in consultation with Council of Governors’.